Adrian Salsgiver
There is nothing worse than the United Nations and it's World Health Organization.
Adrian Salsgiver chats with Mayor Muriel Bowser about the Nullification of the Harris Rider. January 15, 2020
Adrian Salsgiver is a peaceful, truthful, honest good citizen of high moral character.
Adrian is a Liberty Activist and Cannabis Activist in Washington DC with over 50 years experience in politics.
Adrian's eloquence, decency, and political bravery is admired by most everybody.
Adrian's testinony - DC Council special hearing Friday, November 19, 2021:
"My name is Adrian Salsgiver and I'm here to tell you, in case you didn't know, that government does not have the right to tell you that you cannot smoke marijuana.
Government is supposed to protect our freedom, our liberty, and our natural, God-given human rights - not to take them all away and make everything a privilege. That's what's known as totalitarianism, or tyranny.
Yesterday, I went to the Alcohol Beverage Regulation Administration's Turnaround Thursday event and received my Medical Marijuana card, the one I paid for last February. It did not have the Mayor's name on it.
It was very encouraging.
I thought we were going to a complete digital format.
I thought I was going to have to have a government app on my phone to legally purchase cannabis.
A government app that would show my so-called vaccine status, social credit score, and marijuana privilege, along with many other things, including my privilege to leave my residence.
I like to freely walk down the street and smell cannabis being smoked, it's the smell of freedom.
And I'm wondering if it's too late for government to control cannabis. It's been illegal for so long, have the people figured it out for themselves?
For example; we will not be seeing USDA Certified Organic Cannabis anytime soon, probably never. But the people have taken this into their own hands. Sun and Earth Certified cannabis is grown pesticide free, in chemical free soil and the under the Sun. A grower can get this certification without government interference.
The Comprehensive Cannabis Legalization and Regulation Act of 2021 seems to be an anti-smoking bill.
I would like to see more of a pro-smoking bill. Where is the funding?
Many people, especially seniors, are suffering in the Big Pharma death cult when all they really need is a little marijuana.
Millions of dollars have been spent to promote injections of drugs such as flu shots and so-called vaccines. Where are the millions to promote cannabis?
A pro-smoking, pro-cannabis bill would include funding to promote cannabis as a good medicine.
Please add funding to promote cannabis as good medicine to all legislation regarding cannabis.
Thank you."
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Adrian on Twitter "We need to stop the war on the people, and it begins with cannabis,"
said Libertarian DC Ward 3 City Council candidate Adrian Salsgiver in front of the Russian Embassy.
Adrian's Twitter account was permanently suspended. Read about it on the Veritas Campaign Questionnaire.